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Locus Vitae = A place of life

A place of life should be a place where members of the community feel safe and connected with each other, where they are given the opportunity to develop their skills and contribute to their environment.

Locus Vitae objective

Locus Vitae is a tool for analysis, visualization and understanding of the dynamics of human environments. It is designed to help users understand and predict how humans interact with their environment and better represent the results to address environmental problems. It uses a variety of data analysis tools to help users better understand human behavior patterns that affect ecosystems. These tools include geospatial data analysis, data mining, statistical modeling, and data visualization. The goal of Locus Vitae is to help users understand and predict human behavior in their environment, so they can make informed decisions that help conserve.

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If nature and human studies are not well explained/represented, they will never have influence

We have specialised in the showing of these


We study the environment, examine existing information and look for missing references.


We prepare the necessary steps for the project implementation.


We execute the planned actions in order to reach the set goals.


Where nature and human can find applications

Applications for nature and human interactions

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