Natural safety

Safety in the Wild – Implementing Applications Safely

We focus on the importance of ensuring security when deploying applications and
technologies in natural environments. Whether in conservation projects, ecological tourism or any other activity related to nature, it is crucial to adopt measures to protect
both the environment and the users involved.

Our Priority: Safety and Sustainability 

At Locus Vitae, we consider safety and sustainability as fundamental principles in
all our initiatives related to nature. We are committed to implementing applications in a safe and responsible manner, taking into account the following aspects: 

  • Risk Assessment: Before implementing any application in natural environments, we carry out
    a thorough assessment of possible risks to the environment and users. This we
    allows you to identify and mitigate any negative impact that may arise.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We ensure that we comply with all regulations and standards relevant matters related to safety and environmental protection. This includes obtaining permits and necessary authorizations before starting any activity.
  • Education and Training: We provide appropriate training and training to our staff and to anyone involved in deploying applications in natural environments. This ensures everyone is informed about safety and sustainability best practices.

Specific Security Measures:

  • Ecosystem Protection: We implement measures to protect the surrounding ecosystem during the installation and operation of our applications. This may include the delimitation of sensitive areas and the implementation of erosion control measures.
  • User Security: We ensure that our applications are safe for users, providing clear information about potential risks and offering safety measures as personal protective equipment when necessary.
  • Continuous Monitoring: We carry out continuous monitoring of our applications to detect any safety or environmental impact issues. This allows us to take corrective measures in a timely manner and ensure long-term safety.